What Are the Best Fall Hair Colors?

People arrive at The Big Wigs for a variety of reasons, but most often it is because they want a wig that will work for them no matter what season it happens to be. Right now, people are coming in the door wanting to get wigs that are ideal for the fall weather. The question they have is “what color wig should I get for the fall season?”. We help them sort this out, and we have some answers for what you should do as well.

What Are the Best Fall Hair Colors?

You have many options for which hair color you choose, no matter what season it is. When fall is upon us, you might want to go for something that matches the season. Therefore, you might want to consider what the scenery outside looks like during the fall season. In most parts of the country, the leaves have turned beautiful red, orange, yellow, and brown colors. Therefore, you should try to play off of that.


A great blend that falls perfectly in between copper and strawberry blonde, coppberry is a great color for the fall season. The base of this color is orangish-red, but the rest of the hair is a blonde color. Therefore, you get to match up with the fall leaves (with the orange-red combo), but also maintain your natural blonde look as well. It ticks all the boxes for what you are looking for.

Chocolate Cherry

Those who have darker hair to begin with might want to go with a chocolate cherry look. People say that this color is very playful and glamorous, and that is something that people often want to show off when the fall season is upon us. Say what you will, but that is exactly the kind of message many want to send out as the weather changes.

Controlled Gold

Another option is to go with controlled gold. Experts say you should skip the purple conditioners this season and go with the gold ones. If you do so, you might land on a controlled gold look that is perfectly ideal for what you are aiming at with your look for the fall. Don’t let anyone else influence you about what you should or should not do with your hair, but this is a great option for those who are looking to change things up for the fall.

Jaded Brown

Finally, you can go with a jaded brown look. This is ideal for people who have naturally dark hair to begin with. The look contrasts perfectly with the bright leaf colors floating around out there, and you will look stunning to everyone around you. Make sure you think about taking this color into the rotation at this time.

You need to look at every option you have, but you should at least give jaded brown some top consideration for the fall.